Compliance Hotline

Reporting Compliance Concerns

The University of Florida is committed to operate in an environment of integrity. Each member of the University of Florida community is responsible for assuring that the actions and activities conducted at the University promote such an environment. This includes the responsibility to report, for appropriate review, actions or activities that concern you since they do not appear to promote this environment.

Please click on the link below to for guidance on your responsibilities, as well as how to report any concerns:

Guidance on Responsibilities and Reporting of Concerns

What Should Be Reported?

Activities or conduct that you believe violate a state or federal law or University policy should be reported. This includes violations of contract and grants, ethics policy, financial reporting and other compliance violations of any kind.

What Should Not Be Reported?

The Hotline service is not expected to receive concerns for which the University does not have responsibility or that are:

  • Emergencies (for emergencies, please contact UPD, GPD or call 9-1-1)
  • Employment concerns such as performance evaluations and merit raises
  • Student concerns such as disputes with another student, grade appeals or academic matters, concerns with quality of instruction, and roommate concerns
  • Related to grievances filed by faculty and staff for which institutional policies and procedures exist